The Sandra Day O’Connor High School Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up of parent/guardian volunteers. The Band Boosters supports the O’Connor Band Programs in a variety of ways.
Some of which include:
Parent membership is automatically endowed when your student is enrolled in the Sandra Day O’Connor High School Band Program and as such provides you with voting privileges. Ongoing membership is dependent on payment of annual fees and financial obligations being current, previous years included, based on required fees detailed by our Band Director.
The Band Booster members elect the following volunteer executive board positions: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and booster representative. General meetings are held once a month (during the school year) to provide information and conduct non-profit band business affairs. Band activities require numerous volunteers in a variety of functions to be successful.
Additionally, the organization strives to create and foster better channels of communication among all SDOHS Band parents, and to develop a sense of community and “esprit de corps” among the parents. We encourage all Band Parents/Guardians to volunteer their time when able, as the services provided by the Band Parents/Guardians are crucial to the success of the Band.